
October 15th 2024
Isue 116 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life"  is out and added, my work is on page 81

September 24th
A new photo, is added to the category Series, in the Series called 'Summer', this is the last one from this series. All the photos of that series are also added to the category Portrait.

September 15th 2024
Isue 115 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life"  is out and added, my work is on page 26.

September 10th

A new photo is added to the category Series, in the Series called 'Summer'. All the photos of that series are also added to the category Portrait.

September 6th
A new photo is added to the category Stillife, The photo is also added to the category Flowers.

September 3rd
A new photo is added to the category Series, in the Series called 'Summer'. All the photos of that series are also added to the category Portrait.

August 27th 2024
A new photo is added to the category Series, in the Series called 'Summer'. All the photos of that series are also added to the category Portrait.

August 15th 2024
Isue 114 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 06.
Also don't forget to look at the new photo in the category Series, in the Series called 'Summer', as promised below.

July 8th 2024
Two new photos have been added to the category Series. The entire Series called Summer, consists of 9 photos and will be regularly supplemented to the 9 pieces.

July 15th 2024
Isue 113 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 13.

May 28th 2024
New photo added in the catergories Flowers and Still life

June 15th 2024
Isue 112 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 57.

May 12th 2023
New photo added in the catergory Portraits

May 15th 2024
Isue 111 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, this month I am the featured. artist. You'll find my work on the coverpage and on page 41-42-43-44 and 45.

April 15th 2024
Isue 110 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 31.

March 15th 2024
Isue 109 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 91.

February 15th 2024
Isue 108 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 56.

February 2nd 2024
A new photo "Butterfly damaged by life" is added to the categories Abstract and Animals

January 25th 2024
A new photo "For the love of the roses" is added to the categories Surrealism and Portrait

January 15th 2024
Isue 107 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 87.

December 15th 2023
Isue 106 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 25.

November 24th 2023
A new dyptich is added to the page dyptich.

November 16th 2023
New photo added in the catergory Cityscapes

November 15th 2023
Isue 105 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 81.

October 15th 2023
Isue 104 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 79.

September 15th 2023
Isue 103 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 59.

You can follow my facebookaccount, see here on the contact page.

August 24th 2023
A new photo, "A blue African Lily under the tree" is added to the flower page.

August 15th 2023
Isue 102 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 50.

July 15th 2023

Isue 101 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 62-63.

May 15th 2023

Issue 99 from the international magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is out and added, my work can be found on page 42.


April 15th 2023

Issue 98 is out from the International magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life".
My work is on page 21.

March 15th 2023

The spring issue is out and added, issue 97 from the magazine "Living the Photo Artistic Life". You'll find my work on page 70.

Februari 15th 2023

Another Issue, no. 96, from the magazine "Living the Photo Artistic Life" is added.
My work is on page 41

January 15th 2023

A new issue is added, issue 95,of the magazine “Living The Photo Artistic Life”
This Issue is very special as it is a tribute to Billa Bozem a dear colleague artist who passed away recently.
You'll find my work on page 30.

December 19th 2022

More countries have been added here to order from. Austria, Switzerland and International can be found as additional countries to which Werk Aan De Muur, internationally known as Art Heroes, will ship.

If also added the last two Christmas cards for this year. 

December 15th 2022

A new festive issue is added, issue, 94, of the magazine “Living The Photo Artistic Life”. You'll find my work on page 65. If also added 8 more Christmas artworks.

November 29th 2022

I have added 6 Christmas artworks. More will be added real soon!

November 15th 2022
So much wonderful work in this new issue, 92, of the magazine “Living The Photo Artistic Life” is added. 2 of
my photos on page 67. The first is a  triptych though, so there are 4 photos in total.

October 15th 2022

A very spooky new Issue 92 of the magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life"
is added, with this time, 3 of my photos on page 67.

September 17th 2022
A wonderful new Issue 91 of the magazine "Living The Photo artitistic Life" is added with two of my photos. You'll find them on page 79

August 17th 2022
On September 7th to Sept 11th there is a photo exhibition in Delden, The Netherlands, where my work is shown!

August 5th 2022
A new photo is uploaded on the page Surrealism. Surrealism in my work always
has a classic touch.

July 21 2022
The website is renewed! Hope you like it.

July 15 2022
A beautiful new Issue 89 of the magazine "Living The Photo artitistic Life" is added with two of my photos.
You'll find them on page 55

July 11 2022
Today I added a new section Still life with new photos. Go and have a look! I also added new photos to
CityScapes and to Flowers 2. So lots of new work to find!

June 15 2022
A new Issue 88 of the magazine "Living The Photo artitistic Life" is added with two of my photos.
You'll find them on page 76

May 15 2022
A new Issue 87 of the magazine "Living The Photo artitistic Life" is added with two of my photos.
You'll find them on page 76.

May 1 2022
Today I added a new page called cityscape. It is filled with colorful abstract cityscapes, look here!

April 30 2022
Two new photos added to flower page 2.

March 16 2022
Issue 86 of the magazine "Living The Photo artistic Life"  is added, with photo of mine,
on page 61!

April 09 2022
A new work is added on flower page 2.

March 16 2022
85 of the magazine "Living The Photo artistic Life"  is added, with 2 photos of mine,
on page 45. Go and take a look!

March 15 2022
Meanwhile there are over 100 photos on both of my webshops. Go to my
webshop page to see them both.

March 15 2022
A new work is added on flower page 2.

January 21 2022

A new worldwide webshop is added to my webshop page. There are at the
moment more than 58 artworks in it. More will be added as soon as possible.
I am working on it!

January 17 2022

I added a series of 5 photos acalled: A little historical atmosphere from the 60’s and
Issue 83 of the magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life" is added with 2 photos of mine

published on page 76.

January 5 2022

I added 8 new photos. These are all portraits with flowers.

December 15 2021

Issue 82 of the magazine "Living The Photo artistic Life"  is added, with 2 photos of mine,

on page 97. Go and take a look at the beautiful artwork!

November 15 2021

Issue 81 of the magazine "Living The Photo artistic Life"  is added, with 2 photos of mine,
on page 60. It is a great issue again! Grab a cuppa and dive in, it is absolutely worth while.

October 17 2021

Issue 80 of the magazine "Living The Photo artistic Life"  is added, with 2 photos of mine.

September 16 2021

Issue 79 of the magazine "Living The Photo artistic Life"  is added, with 2 photos of mine.

August 03 2021

I just added three new photos, and no 78 of the magazine "Living The Photo artistic Life"

July 15 2021

Again my photos are published in the magazine "Living The Photo artistic Life"

July 7th 2021
Today MY WEBSHOP is open!! My work is available on several different materials.
Go and take a look! More work will be added soon.

July 5th 2021
New photos are added in the categorie Flowers, which is also going to be my subject.

 May 15th 2021
My photos published in the magazine: "Living The Photo artistic Life".

April 15th 2021
My photos published in the magazine: "Living The Photo artistic Life".

March 18th 2021
New photos on three pages, Flowers, CityScapes and Misc!

February 4th 2021
New photos added in 3 categories, Flowers, Misc and Series. Check them out!

December 6th 2020
New photos added in all 4 categories, two of them in Christmas atmosphere.
Also check out my new website FotoDeLaatste (in Dutch and English).

October 8th 2020
New photos added in Flower, CityScapes  and Misc. On the Published page at the bottem
there is a video with a meeting of the National Creative Group and what that group entails.

August 17th 2020
New photos are added in all categories, so there is a lot to find. There is a new
issue of the magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life", no 65, you'll find my photos on page 68.

Click here to go the magazine

April 6th 2020
Photos are added in four categories: Flowers, CityScapes, Misc and Series.
I am published in issue 61 of the magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life".

Click here to go to the magazine and see the photos.

March 3rd 2020
Photos added in three categories and published in issue 60 of the magazine
"The Photo Artistic Life".

November 5th 2019
Photos are added in three of the four categories.

October 15th 2019
Two of  my photos are published in Issue 56  of the magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life".
I am very happy to say that This publication completes one year of continuous publications.

Click here to go to the magazine and see the photos.

September 15th 2019
One of  my photos is published in Issue 55  of the magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life".
Click here to go to the magazine and see the photos.

August 15th 2019
One of  my photos is published in the magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life". Go
to the "Published"-button to see the photos.

July 17th 2019
Two of  my photos are published in the magazine "Living The Photo Artistic Life". Go
to the "Published"-button to see the photos.
If also added new photos to the categories: CityScapes, Misc and Series.

March 21nd 2019
New photos added in all categories

Expositie Fotogroep Eninver '73
In the neighborhood center Eninver, Apollolaan 1, 7604 EH Almelo, two of my photoseries can be seen, together of coarse with those from the other members of the club. They can be seen until march 2nd 2019. Than from March 3rd until April 13th 2019 they can be seen in the Titus Brandsmahof, Titus Brandsmahof 3, 7606 SB Almelo.

July 9th 2018
Four of my photos are shown in Enschede in the Netherlands with Doppio Espresso. The photos are shown in the big format of 90x60 cm. They will be shown there for a longer period of time.

June 15th 2018
Two of my photos are published the latest issue of The Photo Artistic Life!
You'll find them on page 75. Click here to see the magazine
or go to the page Published

June 13th 2018
I added  new photos in Flowers and in Misc.

June 2nd 2018
Today the exhibitiion of the Dutch Photo Association is opende in Gallery Te Lintelo in Haaksbergen, in the Netherlands. 5 Of my photos from the series "Food" are shown there in the big size 50x75 cm. The exhibition can be seen untill the end of august.

May 8th 2018
A few photos added today.

April 26th 2018

Today I finished the renewed website. I made a few changes, and of course I added new photos.
Look around, I hope you like it.

April 15th 2018

I am very happy to have been published again in the latest issue of The Photo Artistic LIfe!
You'll find my photos on page 8. Click here to see the magazine.

April 4th 2018
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend!
I Added new photos in the categories Landscape and Misc

March 13th 2018
Added photos in all 4 categories

February 5th 2018
Added photos in Landscape, Portrait and Misc.
I will add new photos, regularly from now on.

January 8th 2018
A few photos added in several catergories.

September 6th 2017
My website now contains only photo-art and I am very happy with that.

April 15th 2017
Happy Easter everyone!

April 8th 2017
New website, also suitable for mobile devices.